String Figures (Touwfiguren)
Directed by Katrien Vermeire, 2016, 14', 16mm (Belgium)
String Figures (Touwfiguren) is inspired by the encyclopedic film Fadenspiele (1969), part of the German film series Encyclopaedia Cinematographica by H.R. Haefelinger. The film shows two children making a succession of string figures. It focuses on the practice as a game, with relatively simple figures, which we perhaps recognize from our own childhoods. Katrien Vermeire plays with the frame rate (slow-motion, high-speed), so as to focus attention on the movements and the action. Her 16mm film shows string figures being made in Brussels, almost fifty years after the German work.
directed by Katrien Vermeire - camera Michel Houssiau - editing France Duez - produced by Mount Vision Pictures
This project is funded by M Museum Leuven, Beursschouwburg Brussel, VGC, Provincie West-Vlaanderen, Kunsten en Erfgoed and Culture Cultuur
UPCOMING: November 20, 2024 - March 9, 2025
String Figures / Fadenspiele
A Research Exhibition
Museum Tinguely, Basel (CH)
String Figures / Fadenspiele
A Research Exhibition
Museum Tinguely, Basel (CH)
2021 - 2024 The Ten: Thirty works (10+20) from the collection of M, Cera and the art collection of the Flemish Community, M Leuven (BE)
2021 Five movies from five generations of female Belgian audiovisual artists: Chantal Akerman, Eva Claus, Manon de Boer, Ans Mertens, Katrien Vermeire, MoMeNT and De Imagerie, Tongeren (BE)
2020 De Cinema, Visite op Visite, Antwerpen (BE)
2018 Atelier Cinemakina, Brussels (BE)
2017 Beursschouwburg, Brussels (BE)
2016 Private Tag, Atlantikwall Raversyde (BE)
2016 Twisted Strings, M - Museum Leuven (BE)